Front End Development Libraries

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Now that you're familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, level up your skills by learning some of the most popular front end libraries in the industry.

In the Front End Development Libraries Certification, you'll learn how to style your site quickly with Bootstrap. You'll also learn how add logic to your CSS styles and extend them with Sass.

Later, you'll build a shopping cart and other applications to learn how to create powerful Single Page Applications (SPAs) with React and Redux.



Bootstrap is a front end framework used to design responsive web pages and applications. It takes a mobile-first approach to web development, and includes pre-built CSS styles and classes, plus some JavaScript functionality.

In this course, you'll learn how to build responsive websites with Bootstrap, and use its included classes to style buttons, images, forms, navigation, and other common elements.


jQuery is one of the most widely used JavaScript libraries in the world.

In 2006 when it was released, all major browsers handled JavaScript slightly differently. jQuery simplified the process of writing client-side JavaScript, and also ensured that your code worked the same way in all browsers.

In this course, you'll learn how to use jQuery to select, remove, clone, and modify different elements on the page.


Sass, or "Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets", is a language extension of CSS. It adds features that aren't available in basic CSS, which make it easier for you to simplify and maintain the style sheets for your projects.

In this Sass course, you'll learn how to store data in variables, nest CSS, create reusable styles with mixins, add logic and loops to your styles, and more.


React is a popular JavaScript library for building reusable, component-driven user interfaces for web pages or applications.

React combines HTML with JavaScript functionality into its own markup language called JSX. React also makes it easy to manage the flow of data throughout the application.

In this course, you'll learn how to create different React components, manage data in the form of state props, use different lifecycle methods like componentDidMount, and much more.


As applications grow in size and scope, managing shared data becomes much more difficult. Redux is defined as a "predictable state container for JavaScript apps" that helps ensure your apps work predictably, and are easier to test.

While you can use Redux with any view library, we introduce Redux here before combining it with React in the next set of courses.

In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of Redux stores, actions, reducers and middleware to manage data throughout your application.

React and Redux

React and Redux are often mentioned together, and with good reason. The developer who created Redux was a React developer who wanted to make it easier to share data across different components.

Now that you know how to manage the flow of shared data with Redux, it's time to combine that knowledge with React. In the React and Redux courses, you'll build a React component and learn how to manage state locally at the component level, and throughout the entire application with Redux.

Front End Development Libraries Projects

It's time to put your front end development libraries skills to the test. Use Bootstrap, jQuery, Sass, React, and Redux to build 5 projects that will test everything you've learned up to this point.

Complete all 5 projects, and you'll earn the Front End Development Libraries certification.

Browse our other free certifications (we recommend doing these in order)